Saturday, February 24, 2007

Anchored Cross - The NeoClassical Metal Solo Project

Andrew Raines started playing acoustic guitar at the tender age of 9 when his parents gave him lessons. With what he has made out of himself you would never have guessed at the time he hated it. "I started really getting into punk, and hard rock, and eventually decided to try and learn how to play." Andrew tells us. Let's back track a little bit to '98 when he started to mess around with the keyboard. Following, several years later was bass and just recently the drums.
Andrew's past band experiences have taught him a lot. " was with my song "Dark" that I began to develop a feel for Aeolian, and started to crave a more passionate sound." Most of the songs from his previous band iBNH used the pentatonic scale. His time in iBNH also taught him techniques such as legatos, pull-offs, and vibratos.
Aside from just being sick of the name iBNH, Anchored Cross came along when Andrew started listening to Yngwie J. Malmsteen, "The godfather of neo-classical metal." His music is also influenced by speed metal and video games. You can definitely hear his video game influence when you listen to his rendition of Hill of Despair which was originally composed for Final Fantasy.
Cemetery Symphony, the now tentative name for his first CD, is due to be released later in '07. He is currently working with The Fine Print to try and put a show together for a little later this year.
You can check him out at

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Article and photos by Josh Smith

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